Friday, April 26, 2013

Morals make the world go round

The white race is a very religious race. Even when they secularize their religion in the form of the leftism, they still retain the same fervor and devotion. It's been said that communism was so effective because it inspired men to the same zealotry as a religion. Being a religious people, they are a people obsessed with moral behavior. Frank Herbert summarized all of religion as ,"thou shalt and thou shalt not" reducing religion to it's most finite form, an ethical treatise.

The leftists thrive on holding the dominant moral narrative. Whoever can dictate right from wrong can control a people more securely than with violence. Whoever controls the moral narrative controls the people.

Today, that narrative of Western Civilization is controlled by secular Christians, called liberals. They operate under the guise of equalism which has its roots in Christianity.

During the Enlightenment the philosophers performed a reverse transmutation.  For centuries alchemists attempted to transmute lead into gold. Lead being symbolic of base matter and gold being symbolic of spirit, the reverse transmutation happened when scholars turned the "equality of all men's souls" into "all men are created equal." They secularized Christian ethos turning gold into lead. The American and French revolutions followed, a revolt against hierarchy and inequality. All leftist revolutions were derivatives of this ethos.

To see the conservatives and the liberals as divided along lines of ethics however is false. The conservatives are those who mainly retained their theistic beliefs and can actually view history as something to learn from instead of a horror story to make hasty progress away from. Note how the liberals and the conservatives differ on their views of the 50s. To the conservative this was a prosperous time where children were happy, the family was strong, and America even stronger. To the liberal there was only Jim Crow and nothing else matters.

How do politicians pass laws that restrict freedom? They hide behind a victim, they pass it based on the moral need. They line up the pictures from the Sandy Hook shooting and make appeals to emotions of the populace. It is this emotional appeal which is the feminine construct. They don't make appeals based on logic or the efficacy of their actions but based on feeling.

They have circled the square, so to speak. Trumping the right angles of the masculine into the curves of the feminine. This has been happening for nearly two hundred years. For two hundred years the feminine principle of nature and love has dominated.

As much as the USA has tried there has never been a separation of church and state.  The state becomes the church. Ethics, not efficacy brings change to society.

1 comment:

  1. "Note how the liberals and the conservatives differ on their views of the 50s. To the conservative this was a prosperous time where children were happy, the family was strong, and America even stronger. To the liberal there was only Jim Crow and nothing else matters."

    Very neatly summarised --- I'll store that one away for future reference...

    "How do politicians pass laws that restrict freedom? They hide behind a victim, they pass it based on the moral need."

    Yes indeed --- they are always looking for things which are "the moral equivalent of war" in order to abridge freedoms.
